The Scriptorium is my work journal; a place for show and tell.

Entries in Tribeca Flashpoint Academy Chicago (2)


Today is the Day!

The film crew has arrived, the pizzas have been ordered, the cameras and light have been assembled. . .Tribeca Flashpoint College students

Tribeca Flashpoint College Students


Tribeca Flashpoint College students

Student Film Project Calligraphy

 Lights, Cameras, ACTION!




I'm all of a flutter!  Early in April, a film crew will be descending on my studio to film a short informational video for my website.  One of the crew is a guy I know very well, indeed--my son Sam.

Sam will be graduating from Tribeca Flashpoint College in May and I am fortunate to be the subject of one of his class projects.

I admit I am camera shy--I avoid having my picture taken at all costs--but this is an opportunity that is too good to pass up!

We're in the planning stage right now so I'm reaching out to you, my brides and friends, to hear what YOU would like to see in an informational video.  I've got some ideas of my own, but I'd love to hear from you!

The comment section is open!  Let me know if you have any ideas and by all means, check out the TFC website