WIP: Trial Layout

Walnut ink
Here's a piece I'm working on. This is the first layout. I thought it might be fun to post up images as I go through the process. There are a few things I know I am going to stick with--the focus words will be 'BE' and 'A GOOD MAN.' I like the way it forms a sentence that summarizes the idea in the quote. I'm also going to stick with the signature--I researched his signature and 'copied' it.
Eventually, it will be finished in gouache, and I'll be adding some color. I've thought about changing the hand. I've thought about switching from a formal arrangement to an informal one. I've thought about doing an illuminated letter. I've thought about adding a vine border. I'm still thinking.
I'm walking away from it now and I'll look at it again tomorrow. Have an opinion or suggestion? Leave it in the comments!

Reader Comments (12)
I'm thinking foundational hand. . .
Beautiful work. I like the quote very much. I'm a huge fan of walnut ink, altho I know you intend to finish it in gouache eventually.
My one suggestion would be to give the signature a little bit more white space to set it apart. When I first read the text, I continued reading that line as if it read "you BFranklin" and was a bit confused. Still, it's lovely. :)
You've got a point, Meredith. I thought so, too!
I love, Love, LOVE walnut ink! Cheap, plentiful, easy to clean from the nib, beautiful soft lines--definitely my ink of choice for trials. Or just fooling around. Or whenever! : D
Beautiful work and quote.
Hi Kim,
This is coming along very nicely!! I know the blood sweat and tears it takes to do a calligraphic piece. I think a vine border might be good! Can't wait to see what you so.
Thank you, Julie! It's still got a long way to go!
Hi Martha,
Your work always looks so effortless! I can't imagine you ever sweating blood and tears!
Hi Kim! Was there a trademark symbol on it?? I still don't see it ---I have to look again, but to answer you question, yes, I am always very conscience of copyright infringement and I try my best not to infringe upon anyone even if I post it for a blog. If I do post it I give credit where credit is due. But if it is found and re-purposed then maybe it is ok. That a good question!!!! It certainly is a grey area!
...I can't spell--I meant conscious...but I guess it involved conscience too!!!
Hi Martha!
I saw it on the vertical green banner on the left side of the bottom image that says "Doorway to Inspiration" Honestly, I had never thought about it before. I think that if you have clearly repurposed something and you aren't making a financial gain with its use, it's probably OK.
I wish there was an easy way to ask those kind of copyright questions, don't you?
Hi Kim--**waving to you***!!!
I really should certainly be more "Mary-like" rather than Martha-like! My mama named me right!!! Have a good weekend!
Hi Kim,
I meant to tell you I saw the TM on the collage piece. You know, I think that being aware of it is always good. You just never know when someone might come after us for infringing. In my last year of blogging and I read several posts of people who infringe upon others. Thanks for your comment today!!!
Martha :)
I love the way the walnut ink looks -- it's such a warm and beautiful color.
My understanding is that there's no infringement on something that's more than 70 years old. It's only a forgery issue if it's passed off as really being Franklin's signature. But perhaps I'm not grasping the issues at stake here.